Ayurvedic Massage can help to:
- Detoxify
- Cleanse
- Boost the
- immune system
- Maintains
- Good health
- Improve overall wellbeing
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A slimming treatment involving deep massage with herbal powders
During this stimulating massage, dry herbs are incorporated with your individual Dosha oil, in order to create friction on the surface of the skin. The friction increases blood circulation, helping to oxygenate the cells and stimulate the removal of toxins. It promotes weight loss and clears away clogging impurities that might cause problems such as cellulite.
The Udvartana massage cleanses and refines the skins texture and gives the skin a soft, silky texture and lustrous glow. It also improves the tone of the skin, improves digestive capacity, awakens energy source and alleviate sluggish
All oils used in the Ayurvedic treatments are supplied by Pukka Herbs, a divine range of organic ayurvedic body care to help you feel your best.